I was reluctant at first to make the switch from a regular riding mower to a zero turn mower, especially of this caliber. I was a bit intimidated by the price too. However, after spending some time in the driver's seat, I am so very sold! My first time
using my new Husqvarna RZ5424 Zero Turn Mower with a Kawasaki engine was pure delight. I was able to cut my mowing time down to 1/3 of what it took me on a regular riding mower on my first time out while still getting the feel for the steering! I will never
be without a zero turn mower again! The stamped deck came with reinforced steel bolted to the peripheral edges which helps when getting used to the steering around trees, posts & decks. No bogging down, no piles or rows of cut grass laying on the standing
grass, zipping around trees like nothing, flipping directions without all kinds of extra movements, this mower makes mowing the lawn a pleasure out of a pain that it has been for years! I only wish I had purchased my new zero turn mower years ago. Now I
have much more time to do the other things that I enjoy!